Whether you want to help someone to fulfil a life-long dream, celebrate a special occasion or simply to give them a present - to experience the thrill, a Tandem Skydive is the safest and easiest way to make your first skydive! Imagine the thrill of up-to-45 seconds of freefall and the serenity of floating under a parachute with nothing around you!
What to Expect
- A thrilling experience
- Skydive from 3000-3500m
- Freefall for about 45 amazing seconds
- 5 – 6 minutes of breath-taking canopy flight
- Spectacular views
- Branded gift
- Gift certificate
NOTE: Due to the COVID 19 - All purchased vauchers (gift and for own use) are with unlimited validity!
Adrenaline is guaranteed!
For your special occasions:
- Do not hesitate to contact us and request your individual price offer for a Special occasion! If you are interested in ordering multiple Tandems or gift vouchers please contact us at Sko4ibg@gmail.com or +359 888 05 27 00 and we can discuss!